Friday, February 13

Setting Sail...almost!

Well well well, anticipation is high, excitement levels are up, but yet there's a sense of caution... it is highly likely that we wills ail to Sweden on Thursday 19th Feb. How awesomme! After months of prayer, hours of work, and so much devoted time to this project the end is in sight and the fruit of the labour is ripened for the picking!

The schedule can be seen on the link:

Bye the way, durign this time of prayer and fasting I am recognising God's voice in these situations that present themselves that are the very reason why I'm seeking God like this.

It's awesome His amazing love and mindblowing wisdom - He really does captivate me.

Blessed be His name.

Sunday, February 8

no greater love...

Sunday Service for today has just ended and I just wanted to capture the thoughts that were running around in my mind...

I woke up this morning not too sure how to feel about anything or anyone. Anyway the service was about God's being with you around you before you under you inside you - ever so often even as Christians we need to be reminded of this.

Regardless of the personal failures, the struggles, the mass level of mental confusion, the attitude of not giving a hoot whatever God is still so merciful and loving. THERE IS NOTHING THAT CAN SEPERATE ME FROM THE LOVE OF GOD.

He who hangs the world on nothing created every one of us humans from dust and his spoken word loves me (this complex being). Thank You God.

So I've decided to develop a habit - it is said it takes six weeks to develop a habit! I want to be free of people's opinion and have my own mind and walk in God's will seeking His desires only listening to Him more and experiencing Him more. This is not for glory, personal fame, praise from anyone, or to boast but for the next 6 weeks I commit to fasting and praying.

HE said His grace is sufficient and HE knows my hearts desire. This one is for US Lord!


Saturday, February 7

Welcome to Blogger... Liz!

One reason I'm writing on this website is because my body is aching for a place where I can express the thoughts that have been provoking me all week. By God's grace this will continue however I'm not promising anything!

Question of the Week: Why do I allow myself to be influenced by the actions/responses of those around me?!

Man have I wrestled with this all week! Like I said to myself it's probably another lesson in learning how to let God be the priority!

noone is responsible for your happiness except you - but then...

You know what my thoughts are all over the place, so I'll just sleep on it!